He received B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering (1976) and (1979) respectively from Bosphorus University and Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Istanbul Technical University (1987). He worked as a researcher in Materials Research Division of Marmara Research Institute, which is a sub organization of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) between 1978-1989. He joined to Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) as an assistant professor in 1989 and served there up to his retirement in 2013. He has been working as a professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of Isık University in Istanbul after his retirement. He has also been contributing to MÜDEK since 2007 as program evaluator and team chair and he was charged with a member of the Executive Board of MÜDEK between 2023-2015.
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